Dear Readers,

Brian & Cora is available June 28, 2025!

Curmudgeonly Brian Bly’s hermit life is just the way he likes it—his own snug cabin isolated in the mountains by Montana’s Three Bend Lake—with two good neighbors, who always have his back, one raising a sweet little girl to dote on, and no other people, especially women, around to interact with. His dime novels sell well, and his eastern publisher eagerly awaits the next one.

The only problem… Brian’s once-vivid imagination has dried up, becoming more parched than a desiccated bone in an arid desert.

His solution… Join the sheriff’s posse riding out after the McCurdy gang who robbed the bank, killing one deputy, injuring the bank clerk, and terrorizing the citizens of Sweetwater Springs.

But… Brian is shot playing the noble hero—not the plot development he’d envisioned...


Happy Reading!

Debra Holland


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The Bachelors of Three Bend Lake: Book 1

Now that his homestead is thriving, Hank Canfield is ready to settle down and raise a family. But a search among the rare available women in Sweetwater Springs shows him finding a wife might be harder than he’d anticipated. Soon, though, he chooses the perfect young lady to become his bride. Or so he thinks... Read more!

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